The Process


200 pounds

Gained 30 pounds in one semester. Had even fatter legs and was so ashamed didn’t take photos for a while

The Beginning

My want to better myself physically and mentally came after I tore my ACL in college. Having never had such a serious injury before I took it very hard not being at 100% for such a long time. To go from being able to run miles at a time without exhaustion, to not even being able to stand or walk for months took its toll on me. Take into account 3 unsuccessful surgeries and you have a recipe for depression and a negative outlook on life. I secretly hated myself and the circumstances I was in, and I never told anyone. It is easy to overlook sadness when you hide it behind a big phony smile. With persistence and dance as therapy, I was able to overcome this time in my life and use it to build myself mentally and physically into a much more confident open person.

The Kindling

Years later I finally began to have much more to be grateful for. I had at least overcome the temporary pain of my knee to maintain a somewhat active lifestyle. By this time I began to hit the gym relatively consistently, 4-6 times a week. My new mantra was to push through pain until progress was made, no matter the level of pain. In the words of C.T. Fletcher, I commanded my muscles to grow stronger! Though not the smartest approach to health and fitness, shit at least I started somewhere.

Also by this time I found the love of my life, Estacey. We met in college through similar friends and instantly hit it off. I met her when I was in the most darkest part of my life, and she provided the brightest of lights with her aura. When she was around there was no sadness, only positivity and love. She made me want to be better, and so I did just that. After college, I bounced around from different jobs to help pay the bills. I worked at a gym, taught dance at studios, helped my dads real estate company, an advertising agency, and as a Uber driver, anything that paid I was game for.

My main goals at this point in my life were to find purpose with dancing, build my body to overcome past injuries and become the strongest version of myself.



The Burning Passion

Now we live in California. I’ve been with Estacey for almost 6 years, we have a cute dog named Sully, and everyday we push each other to become our best selves physically, mentally, and emotionally. I no longer feel tied down by my past burdens. Only by accepting my past with each of the lessons its taught me, I’ve matured beyond the old self-limiting days I had in college. Currently, I joined SAG-AFTRA at the end of 2018 from acting and dancing work I have done here in CA. I received my CPT certification through NASM a couple weeks ago. Also I quit a job at a gaming arcade as a manager that I absolutely loved but saw no future in, plus I was HIGHLY undervauled. These days I know my worth and do not accept anything less than what I deserve. I live in the moment, capturing whatever it is each day that presents itself to me. I have worked out consistently the past 6 years of my life. That persistence has helped me with tolerating knee pain, and building self-confidence. As of now, the goal is to push a social media built fitness and art community that combines both these fields. My love towards both of these disciplines is unending, and starting TODAY as I write this I am taking small steps everyday to make these dreams reality.