Well, nobody expected this. Currently its May 1, 2020. I am stuck at home because of a stay at home order given by the state of California. Before all of this quarantine crazyness I was working full time as a trainer for LA FITNESS, and struggling to get any auditions for acting and dancing. I would work long days at the gym and in-between those hours I would attend weekly crew meet ups, practice singing and piano and honing my craft and artistry, and hanging out with my new friends here in LA. As of now, the gym I was working at is closed and I haven’t made a consistent paycheck in about two months. I don’t cry about loss of money, because it comes and goes. Instead I spend the hours learning more about the craft and skill of the avenues of art that I want to pursue. Hours of dance, performance, singing and vocal practices, and learning about the mental and spiritual self.

Here are a few short videos that I have deemed the QUARANTINE SESSIONS! Enjoy:


So I got a new job this week…and its as a personal trainer for LA FITNESS! The story behind how I got the job is something I got on a whim. Woke up that morning tired of online application for jobs. How can these people wanna hire me if they never even met me? I wanted to go in old fashioned as a walk in off the street with an eagerness ready to work, and ask for a job. I won’t say the name of the first two gyms I walked into but they escorted me right out the door with a pat on the back and “business card.” The gyms dint even want my resume, even the front desk staff looked shocked every time when I would walk into the gym and ask “Can I speak to a hiring manager?” Like its unheard of for people to walk into a place of business and ask for a job. I decided on my third attempt I would walk into a gym I always pass on my runs. Its about a mile and a half from my apt, and in a very busy shopping center that never has enough parking. It happened to be an LA Fitness.

Long story short, after walking in and immediately asking for a job I left with an employee shirt and scheduled to work the next day!