So I got a new job this week…and its as a personal trainer for LA FITNESS! The story behind how I got the job is something I got on a whim. Woke up that morning tired of online application for jobs. How can these people wanna hire me if they never even met me? I wanted to go in old fashioned as a walk in off the street with an eagerness ready to work, and ask for a job. I won’t say the name of the first two gyms I walked into but they escorted me right out the door with a pat on the back and “business card.” The gyms dint even want my resume, even the front desk staff looked shocked every time when I would walk into the gym and ask “Can I speak to a hiring manager?” Like its unheard of for people to walk into a place of business and ask for a job. I decided on my third attempt I would walk into a gym I always pass on my runs. Its about a mile and a half from my apt, and in a very busy shopping center that never has enough parking. It happened to be an LA Fitness.

Long story short, after walking in and immediately asking for a job I left with an employee shirt and scheduled to work the next day!