Las Vegasssss 2019 Daylight Beach Club, and EVO

This past weekend took another trip to Vegas. Everytime I go to Vegas I have a life changing experience. This time was NO different. Me, Wills Adamz Garciuhs, and Keith BooooObers tooka 4 hour road trip to the Sin City. The first day was getting to know the city. Gambling, eating, and seeing the strip. Second day we went to a pool party at the DayLight Beach club in Mandalay Bay. Had a fucking blast, I somehow danced every single song while I was there at this club. Also let me add that I was the ONLY one dancing at this club the entire time I was there. A few stragglers but nope I had that dance floor all to myself, and away I practiced. Dancing has always been a theraputic outlet for me. Whenever life gets me wound up I listen to music and just express and let go of anxieties and doubt. A lot of people watched me dance around this club and approached me, saying that theyliked my dance moves and it made them happy to see me having a good time. To have so many kind people go out of their way to let me know they appreciated my dancing, some buying shots and offering drinks, meant the world to me.

2 hours go by at this club and I have been living on the dance floor…ALONE, lol. Not a single other person in this club was dancing when I was giving them ROUNDSSSSSZ. . Danced so much that the club bartenders saw me, gave me a nickname of “Superstar,” and even gave me a few free drinks for keeping the energy up in the club. One thing that was amazing was that whether I was alone or in a small group, I did NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHO SAW ME lol. Too long in my life I care about the opinion of others. I did not schedule a trip to Las Vegas to halfass my vacation. I work hard, and I play hard, and I dance hard. I want to enjoy every second of every day, especially while I am blessed enough to live the life that I get to. I practice dance, train/workout, and make art that truly expresses who I am daily. I have taken a lot of crap in my days for dancing, and honestly I think its mostly been by people who are jealous. Jealous of the hispanic kid that will bust out into pop and lock whenever I feel free because damn it I JUST WANT TO. Too many days I let myself be sad about missed opportunities and unchased dreams. No longer, when my mind says to dance, express, learn I listen to it and allow the opportunity to create a lifelong experience for me. This day was no different.

After dancing so much my feet blister and literally burn from cutting the rug up, I go to get food at a bar base floor of the hotel Im staying in, The Linq. I sit next to an older man and his wife, along side his mom and dad. They are all in Las Vegas for the weekend. He introduces himself to me as I am talking to Estacey via facetime catching her up about the trip and checking in. He lets me know that he saw me dancing throughout the bottom floor of the casino and said I looked like I was having fun. My response was, “Oh yes dance is my life’s passion I love it.” Immediately for some reason my response intrigues Zach, the gentlement I just met with his wife and parents. We talk for the next 30 minutes about life, his family, my family, my goals and his kids, my life and his marriage. Just one of the most honest conversations about life that you could possibly have with a complete stranger. While talking he orders me two shots of tequila with scorpions inside the bottom of the shot glass, WTF! He says they are good luck and that he really thought I should try them. As I down these shots like a beast, he explains to me in one sentence"Hes proud I chase my dreams, Show em what your made of.” Zach thank you for the talk and the scorpion shots. I will never forget our conversation.

The last day of Las Vegas was EVO the worlds biggest fighting game tournament held at Mandalay Bay. Other than talking too much about the experience I want to leave you all with some photos I took of the day. My love for gaming has always been tied into its influence on my art, and it was amazing to see a community of people who felt the same way. Thanks Wills for waiting in line bro, love you man. Until the next post yall!
